*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Twins Effect (deleted scenes! from Vampire Effect)

While waiting for two more DVDs arriving to the mail box, below are some screencaps of deleted scenes (!) not featured in the original theatrical version of The Twins Effect, but surprisingly appears in Vampire Effect (the US version).
This scene comes after Reeve explained the rules of vampire slayer to Gypsy in his house.
This scene comes after Helen and Gypsy had a super-fight on the roof.
Well this scene appears in all versions, however this version is redubbed with different dialogue (Helen's ending dialogue, from "In this world, there are still vampires. But now there are three more vampire hunters: One is me, one is the half human half vampire sister-in-law, and the other one is the emotional vampire" to "One is me, one is my 'vampire' sister-in-law, and the other one, you know who..").
For your info:
The film was later renamed to Vampire Effect with slightly altered sequences and introduced to United States as well as its DVD release.

Here are few differences between Vampire Effect and The Twins Effect:
1.Opening sequence is different (several scenes/timelines are switched).
2.Some scenes' editing/cut are different.
3.Some dialogues are altered.
4.Almost 20 minutes of scenes have been cut from the original, however few new additional scenes are included.
5.Film length is shorter than the original version (88 minutes for Vampire Effect, 102/106 minutes for The Twins Effect).
6.Some film scores / music / instrumentals are different from original version (different composer).

P/S: Yes, I'm the one who wrote this on Wikipedia. :D