*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

StartUp Party.. err, that's the end of the week?

Unbelievable, that's the end of Orientation Week.. attended to all session but it's not interesting and fun at all!! Didn't really got new friends as most of the sessions are like: attend -> sit -> listen -> Q&A (if available) -> finish -> bye! :(

And the StartUp Party: BEERS! (you need to order and pay yourself).
P/S: This beer glass belongs to Del.. I tried a little and it's not bad~ :D

And then me, Dhiren, Vimal and Ellen decided to go KFC. We eventually met Ming Yi!!
In conclusion: ok, the StartUp / orientation week here is soooo different, and I still prefer Miri's orientation where we'll be grouped into group on the first day for the rest of the week, it really creates friendships, and we have so much fun too!

Discover Perth Tour

Just a sneak peak of Discover Perth Tour organized by International Students Committee for new students of Semester 2, 2010 [StartUp Week].

The Margaret River Chocolate Factory
Caversham Wildlife Park
Sandalford Wine
Check out the rest of the photos in my facebook acount.. just to save space in my blog! :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

with Love... by Hilary Duff

‘with Love…’ by Hilary Duff

First met the 100ml bottle at my previous temporary house, I fall in love with the unique smell. It first smells light fruity and creamy, after a while it’ll turn to oriental ‘classical & posh' wood scene. And I think this fragrance is more suitable for young adult instead of kids and teenagers... like Britney's fantasy series.

Then I decided to own one. Found the 15ml bottle fragrance at The Perfume Connection (on sale!) at AUD19.00 [original price AUD24.90].

P/S: I saw Christina Aguilera ‘By Night’, Beyonce’s ‘Heat’ and Avril Lavigne’s ‘Black Star’ as well! I might buy the fruity ‘Black Star’ if found the small bottle version. I kinda like celebrity fragrance~ :p

Anyway, now I’ve a new perfume to use! :)

Moved into new house~

from St. James (1 week)...
to KARAWARA (my new permanent house for this sem)!
Adeline's house (St James)
... where my sister lives.
Thank you for everything you all have done for me:
Adeline, Garry, Ah Piang, my sister, Suzanne, and Sara.

Really appreciate~ Love you all!! ^_^

Monday, July 19, 2010

International Prep Week - 1st day

1st official day in campus.
Well, today's sessions was just the introduction to this uni.
... and it's BORING!
Here's my FTV classroom.. soon :)
and the StartUp Pack [a.k.a. O-Kit] with lots of flyers and info.
P/S: I'm now temporary stay at St James. Will move to my new house at Karawara on Thurs. Yeppy!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

1st trip to Perth City

Went to several places yesterday.
Night view of Perth city's buildings.
We had our very first City meal at Alaturka Cuisine last night.
Oh yeah, and it's Adeline's birthday today! Happy Birthday Adeline!!~
and then we went to several bars too!
This is my first ever Midori+lemonade.. it taste like FnN Fruity flavour drink~
It's a crowded place.
And then we went to another bar to have another drink (I didn't drink this time)~
I'll try out more oneday, and experience Perth lifestyle. I do. :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

1st day at PERTH, Western Australia

After 5.5 hours of AirAsia flight, me, my sister and Ah Piang finally, and safely, arrived Perth, Western Australia!! So excited!!!! XD
Ok, since we have nothing to declare (we threw out all the snacks in flight!!), so we were allowed to exit without going through the scan/checking counter~

Airport outdoor view
It's a nice weather, not too cold, not hot either.
We expected to be very cold, but it's not... until now --> very cold night!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Charlene: Another Me [autographed EP - 1st version]

Bought/bidded it online @ taobao for RMB135.00. It's Charlene's second release "ANOTHER ME" EP, first/normal edition.

Signed in her autograph session at 元朗广场 on 15th November 2009. Photos courtesy to the seller of this edition. Well, I do have several Twins' autographed items, but never got it directly from them (usually got it online, except a Twins Malaysia Concert poster which bought from a friend who got it on stage from Twins' hand.. I was in the concert too!). Will try my best to get it from them in the future. ^v^

Check out the second version a.k.a. "Deluxe Version" of the album and tracklisting here: http://gerainchan.blogspot.com/2010/02/another-me-deluxe-version.html

容祖兒: 我的驕傲 (Special Review)

This is one of the BEST album I've ever listened. I like majority of the songs in this album, they are amazing and worth to listen; overall it's a must-have album! There are prelude/small music clips in between/before each full song, which is quite rare in Cantonese music. But it did enhanced the emotions of the main songs.
By the way, I eventually wrote a review for this album at YesAsia few years ago:


此專輯第一版走"概念"路線,製作得 <豪華,美麗 與 特別>。
封面盒子造的很特別,有繩子綁著當裝飾 (但根本沒有用處),不過上方沒有蓋子,很容易進灰塵的~~



01. Geminian Theme (Prelude)

02. 習慣失戀
~而後,一首動聽之極的歌曲開始這張專輯的精彩,容祖兒開始低低的聲音在高潮部分轉成高音,加上泣聲 使這首超級苦情歌襯托得很美,卻帶有點憂傷的感覺。

03. Joey's Clock (Prelude)

04. 神魂顛倒

05. Some Time (Prelude)

06. 心淡

07. Yummy! (Prelude)

08. Honey!

09. 你的擁戴 (Prelude)

10. 我的驕傲 (西九龍泓景臺廣告主題曲)
~此曲原本是一首廣告歌 (不過廣告版Joey的聲音唱得很尖),但出街後反應不俗,立刻改編成為一首完整歌曲。經過日播夜播,長期盤踞在卡拉OK流行榜冠軍位置,久了便成為大街小巷都識的歌曲。此歌 曲詞不俗,祖兒的演繹恰到好處,好像在雲上面唱給大家聽一樣,聽得舒服,讓樂迷感受到歌者那份「喜悅」。

11. 好好聽 (Prelude)
~Joey隨口唱出一句"跩跩"裡的歌詞 和 獨白。

12. 跩跩

13. Meow's Greeting (Prelude)

14. 與貓共舞
~此曲好像和上面的預曲有很大出入,是首慢歌。歌詞寫出沒有伴侶的寂寞,旋律細膩,祖兒的歌聲也吸引,歌曲有點像 "世上只有"。

15. Clubbin' (Prelude)

16. 囉囉攣
~容祖兒 首次唱Rap,有點像Edison唱Rap的感覺,是Joey一次很好的嘗試。

17. Lesson One (Prelude)
~開始有一段男聲,是 羅文 曾經對 Joey 說過的一句話 (不過不知是不是他本人),然後就是以鋼琴演奏出一段 "最後一課"。

18. 最後一課
~我最喜歡的歌曲之一。此曲是Joey唱給她師傅 羅文 的紀念歌曲。歌曲悲傷,但歌詞很有意思與意義,並唱出了Joey對Roman的思念和感謝。

19. 他都不愛我(吳浩唐合唱)
~Joey和 新秀 吳浩康(Deep)的合唱歌。歌曲動聽,不過Deep的聲音有待改善。

20. 揮著翅膀的女孩(國語)
~"我的驕傲"國語版,改編的歌詞很貼切,不會像其他改編歌曲般"詞音不對",而且 國語版 也不比 廣東版 差唷。

21. 想得太遠(第二版歌曲)

***Prelude: 純聲/音樂。***


Link: http://www.yesasia.com/global/%E6%88%91%E7%9A%84%E9%A9%95%E5%82%B2-cd-vcd/1002548844-0-0-0-zh_TW/info.html

Photo credit: www.joeyyung.co.uk

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Curtin Grand Ball 2010 "Wonderworld" videos

Opening -rehearsal

Overview (Pre-opening)

Grand Opening

Food Serving

Event overview

Special Thanks to Ophelia and Aki for the videos! :)
Opening music courtesy of ayumi hamasaki "Bridge To The Sky" [avex]