*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Charlene - Another Me (USB ver)

It's another item I bought in KL trip~

Charlene【Another Me】精裝版

Bought it at Rock Corner KLCC.
I was quite surprised when I saw this set on the rack, and more surprise when I saw the price: RM149.90!!

It's Soooooo overpriced as it's only an EP with 5 songs + DVD with 3 music videos + 2GB Flashdrive. And the size of the packaging is almost same as normal CD jewel case.

However, I took it and purchased it. This is due to lazy to purchase online (or actually I missed the preorder from Twins forum - which is more cheaper) and wait until it arrives.

精裝版 隨EP附送
- 白色星型 2GB USB (前:Sa 相片, 背: Sa插畫)
- USB內容 : 10張 wall paper照片及歌詞

Sa 首張EP 【Another Me】
推介歌 – 生還者

01. 生還者
02. 放得低
03. 等一個懷抱
04. 幸福空氣
05. 同班同學

01. 生還者 MV
02. 放得低 MV
03. 幸福空氣 MV
P/S: I saw another version
【寫真集Version - EP+DVD+Photobook】(Limited 1,500 Copies only)
'was' available at Victoria's Music and it cost RM89.90.
I didn't bought it at that time as I thought the price is quite expensive although it's Limited Edition. Thus I left and tried to reconsider again & again before I decided to go back and purchase it. However, that album was SOLD OUT. I felt soooooo bad!! But I'll try to buy it somewhere else. Gonna upload photos after I got it.

Charlene【二缺一】Version 2
(Limited 5,000 Copies = CD+DVD+8 Postcards)

Also bought it (grabbed it) at Rock Corner.
(CD with 12 songs+DVD with 4 music videos+8 Nice postcards)
But this one is much more cheaper = RM42.90 only.
It's even cheaper than Hong Kong retail stores!! And it's limited edition too!
Btw, so it's reasonable that I bought both items once [lol.. what a misleading calculation]..
蔡卓妍 首張個人大碟 「二缺一」, 全城冠軍歌曲: 二缺一

01. 二缺一
02. I'm sorry
03. Crossover
04. 蝴蝶結
05. 氫氣球
06. 明知你的他沒有
07. 二缺一 (國語)
08. Make A Wish
09. 小酒窩 (國語) (林俊傑合唱)
10. 心跳如歌 (電影「武俠梁祝」主題曲)
11. 小酒窩 (林俊傑合唱)
12. 心如蝶舞 (電影「武俠梁祝」國語「劍蝶」 主題曲)

01. 二缺一 (MV)
02. I'm Sorry (MV)
03. 氫氣球 (MV)
04. 明知你的他沒有 (MV)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Short Film shooting @ home!

Behind the scene photos for the 'untitled' short film shooting at kk!!
Well, my bro-in-law bought a new video camera, so he decided to make a short film as trial.
He brought a crew team + shooting equipments such as mini tv, microphone, boompole etc to my house (as some scenes were shoot in my home sweet home).

This comedy short film is about the 'other side' of a politician, his love affairs, reporter's voice etc. Hopefully I can watch the complete video soon. All da best to Chester and the crews.

My script. I was, surprisingly, invited to act as one of the reporters (who'll meet and chat with other reporters at a restaurant -- sorry no photo of me -> as there are other photographers who took photos for the shooting, so I didn't 'capture' myself at all).
Was terribly nervous as it was my first time acted on screen in Malay language.
But after the shooting the director (I guess) praised me that I'm good in acting (but I don't think so at all) O_o.
Oh well, first time, so I'll learn from mistakes. And this was a nice experience-gaining/learning day anyway.

Then we went to few more locations such as kampung, roadside etc.

Car almost-got-hit-by-a-truck scene (the camera was on the floor - fortunately only a few cars were there)
Last post of 2009~
Perfect to close the year 2009 and get ready for 2010!


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas KL Trip 2009

19th - 22th December 2009.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Longlasting mooncake

Trust me, you'll be as surprise as me when I found the Twins mooncake that I kept for more than 4 years (of course it's sealed) and it's still in a very good condition... like new!!

Expiry date: 18.10.2005
Photo taken: 05.12.2009


P/S: Additional info - this 4 in 1 special Twins mooncake was released in 2005 by KLT Malaysia as a promotional item for Twins' mandarin album "Trainee Cupid" and their world tour. It's a very unique collector's item, so I ate 3 and still keeping the one last one.. or am I the only person on earth who still have this one? lol...

Monday, November 30, 2009

How to make snow?

Lemme show you all how to make snow.
First, buy this Dr. Cool MAGIC SNOW at Toys R Us at RM7.95.

Second, read the instruction behind the box.
Pour small amount of powder on your hand and add water (depends on the amount of powder on your hand, try to add & mix the water with the powder slowly).

Third, you'll have instant snow on your hand!! You can feel the 'almost real snow' if you mixed the powder with cold water.
