*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Prep of P.CARE fundraising booth

Six of us - Project CARE members, went to Bintang Plaza to set up our booth for tomorrow's fundraising event.
Well, to tell the truth, I'm kinda mad when we decided to open another fundraising booth again for our solar panel project. It's because I've few assignments due few days later, and there's one I haven't started yet. Oh well, I can't do anything but to follow the group's plan - in charge the booking of venue.

Small discussion.


Anyway, Next topic: KFC!

We had our dinner at KFC before the set up of our booth. And I've ordered the new KFC snack:

"Strimp Stix"
I totally in love with this new item! It's very crispy, with juicy full strimp content. As usual, I'll apply tomato sauce for fried foods, but NO for this time! It's tasty enough to just eat it without any alien toppings.
It will be a favourite snack for strimp/seafood lovers.