*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

CV! Family Day 2009 & Election

Date: 1st August 2009
Time: 10am-2pm
Venue: LTBS LT11
Well, it's this sem's CV! gathering a.k.a. CV! Family Day 2009 cum Election for new CV! Exco board.
The election of CV! exco is 'suppose' only for students who study at Curtin for more than one semester. However, after the result, the 'rule' seems useless anyway.
While the voting is also only for CV! who stayed more than 1 semester at Curtin.
P/S: I didn't vote (submit the ballet paper) anyway. Don't ask me why. Shh... :P
Ok, I've been nominated to be the president of CV! (I was shocked when heard the nomination, cos I was working at registration booth outside, not sure what's going on until they invited me in), but I refuse to accept the nomination. Thanks for those who nominated me, but sorry to let you all down!
Anyway, Result of new CV! Exco 09/10 members:
Congratulations to the new CV! Exco 2009/2010 members!! Good Luck and All The Best!

Other CV! members (including now-CV! Exco 09/10 members) standing behind the LT.
After that is the game session at REC Hall. I helped out with Anne's station. The venue is extremely HOT! There's no air-cond there, many of us sweat like a bottle of water being poured to us. lol.

Ok, Azee have fun with seniors. (Hi Iqbal!!!)

After the event, I'm a little sad cos I'm still missing CV! Exco board, but I've decided not to rejoin the committee anymore (due to some reasons), so I can only wish the new exco board ALL THE BEST! ^_^