*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

相愛6年 限量珍藏版 Boxset

TWINS - OUR LOVE: 6th Anniversary Box Set

Boxset + some previews of 140pgs Booklet

... which is Twins' 12 Best Selling albums
and DVD
12x Special cut shaped DVD (with 2 music videos each)
20" x 30" Wall Calendar
Overview of the box
Well, this boxset is good and worth for new or some current Twins fans who wishes to collect (almost) all Twins' album releases. However, Twins fans who already have all of their albums might need to reconsider before buying it as it's not THAT special and worth to collect after all [it's quite expensive tho]... For me, 'Limited Edition 2000 sets only' and the cut shaped DVD killed my wallet that time. Poor 'money-s'..


Boxset 特大包裝 限量珍藏版
全球限量 2000套

附送大型 20" x 30" 月曆一卷
140 頁精美寫真集一本

12 CD
CD 1: Twins (AVCD) - EEG1032V1
CD 2: 愛情當入樽(AVCD) - EEG1074V1
CD 3: 我們的紀念冊 (AVCD) - EEG1062V1
CD 4: Amazing Album - EEG1068V1
CD 5: Touch Of Love - EEG1083V1
CD 6: Evolution - EEG1092V1
CD 7: Magic - EEG1100V1
CD 8: Girl Power (AVCD) - EEG1106V1
CD 9: 見習愛神 - EEGT3024V2
CD 10: Samba! (AVCD) - EEG1135V1
CD 11: 一時無兩 - EEG1154V1
CD 12: Ho Hoo Tan - EEG1168V1

12 Bonus DVD
DVD 1. Twins
1. 明愛暗戀補習社
2. 女校男生

DVD 2. 愛情當入樽
1. 愛情當入樽
2. 戀愛大過天

DVD 3. 我們的紀念冊
1. 二人世界盃
2. 眼紅紅

DVD 4. Amazing Album
1. Ichiban 興奮
2. 大紅大紫

DVD 5. Touch Of Love
1. 千金
2. 多謝失戀

DVD 6. Evolution
1. 夏日狂嘩
2. 你講你愛我

DVD 7. Magic
1. 零4好玩
2. 雙失情人節

DVD 8. Girl Power
1. 女人味
2. 丟架

DVD 9. 見習愛神
1. 見習愛神
2. 星光遊樂園

DVD 10. Samba!
1. 森巴王后
2. 救生圈

DVD 11. 一時無兩
1. 一時無兩
2. 德州的故事

DVD 12. Ho Hoo Tan
1. 熱浪假期
2. 你不是好情人