*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

MH: Video Shoot - Happy Day 3

Third day of "MH: My Precious Moment" videoshoot.
Today mainly focus on 'Dan's Story'.

Maybe some of you might be surprised or very surprised. Our shooting location for today: BOLKIAH REWINNA EDWIN 's [Iban artist/singer] house!

Cast: Yan (Dan, main character - sitting, 4th from left); Ramas, Bolkiah [sitting, 1st from left], Jeffery, Gilbert, etc.. (Iban natives, supporting characters)

Funny that I don't even realized that I was in a celebrity's house... until Juliana, film co-producer and technical support officer - who managed to borrow her house, told me while setting up the location. Well, I guess Suhas doesn't know as well, except Martin who visited this house for location survey while we're still in Long Makabar installing the solar panel.

Thanks to Nini who assisted us and took many nice photos for me as well.

I also tried to taste Tuak = my funny face [as above]. Don't really like it as it taste so strong and probably also because I never drink (besides Shandy).

Ok, I'm not so sure what's the content in the soup [pic above]. Looks like snail (they told me the same thing)... it taste very weird but acceptable~!

What's more, she gave me her album before we left (when I was about to return her the album as it was supposed to be the background music in the scene but scrapped due to technical issue). With surprised, I -with-my-thick-face- requested for her autograph; it ended up with my name on it as well.. haha~ ^_^ I think Suhas must be very jealous; while Martin doesn't care at all. Ehem.. Ehem.. lol.
After that we went to a bus stop at Tudan Road.

Some of the casts from previous shooting location also came to the bus stop to help us continue the other scenes.
We eventually shoot the bus stop scene from 'beautiful' sunset to 'rainy' night.
I (we) had so much fun today, very excited and happy.
Looking forward for next shooting!~
Special thanks to all casts for helping us in our short film. Appreciated!