*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

CNY Hangout with relatives

I had two amazing fun days with relatives before going back to Miri tomorrow (17th Feb 2010). Everything is free = even received VIP tickets for the culture show!
Thank you so much to SamGu [3rd Aunt] & family :D

Had buffet dinner at Sutera Harbour.

Had buffet lunch at Grand Port View.

With performers from China.

Attended "Cultures of Malaysia-China: Festival of Spring" show at UMS.

Hmm, to tell the truth, this show was not as good as expected, and I feels bad for the organizer of the show - as most of the audience left during halfway of the show.
Dance, Sing, Dance, Sing, Dance, Sing, Dance, Sing.... = Boring.
Maybe audiences expected to watch China martial arts/kung fu actions/circus show etc.
And I guess audiences who sat until the end of the show were looking forward to the 'Thousand Hands Dewi', which shown in the promo poster.. and that was the most nice performance for the show.

Random shot at UMS 1st floor (it's actually a wall in a very long circle walkway).. UMS is really HUGE!!