*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Longlasting mooncake

Trust me, you'll be as surprise as me when I found the Twins mooncake that I kept for more than 4 years (of course it's sealed) and it's still in a very good condition... like new!!

Expiry date: 18.10.2005
Photo taken: 05.12.2009


P/S: Additional info - this 4 in 1 special Twins mooncake was released in 2005 by KLT Malaysia as a promotional item for Twins' mandarin album "Trainee Cupid" and their world tour. It's a very unique collector's item, so I ate 3 and still keeping the one last one.. or am I the only person on earth who still have this one? lol...