*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dinner and Museum

We (Karen, Catherine, Johan, Suhas and ME!) met up with Kah Yie and had a drink first at Ala-Mak cafe (funny name right? hehe...), then we went to Banana Leaf Cafe to have our dinner. This is my first time visited this restaurant. They first served a banana leaf on the table, then they served rice, and later added few dishes on the leaf. The food is unexpected delicious and nice! And the price is reasonable. We all actually used our hand to eat the dinner, which the first time since National Service-era back to 2007.
We all enjoyed the dishes, along with jokes and fun conversations.

Rating for the food: 4/5

Guess who's Hand?

Girls Chit-Chat

The Giraffe!!!!!!!!!
(which I accidentally called kangaroo~)

After dinner, we went to cinema to watch NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 2 (choose between Angels & Demons and this movie)
Great movie! Enjoyable, laugh, funny, random, unique, creative...etc... what a nice movie to watch in cinema!! What I love the most is the BALLOON DOG! So random and funny~

Posing with Transformers!
Overall, I love the night! Nice to hang out with all of them :)