*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bintang SCCS Exhibition 2009

Golden Ambassadors 1st outdoor exhibition event!

Time: Arrived at 9.30am, booth started from 11.30am-3.30pm
Location: Bintang Plaza new wing

* probably the first fundraising booth ever at that place!

Supporters, Lina (SCCS Miri committee), Me & Kairul

Ms. Lina (SCCS), Hisham (Marketing Manager), Khaliq (Project Manager), Kairul (Finance Manager), Ming Yi (Secretary), and myself (Public Relations Officer)

Golden Ribbon Pin selling, questionnaires and flyers distribution.
We successfully sold 25 pins!!

Booth overview

Video screening (Golden Child Camp 2008, Sign of Childhood Cancer, Info of Golden Ribbon Pin)
* Made in few hours, finished at late night.

Mother's Day message banner painting~


Special guests