*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hari Gawai @ Rumah Ampik 2010!

Me, Catherine, Shae Nee, Li Ming, Dickson, Aki & Mei Mei visited Rumah Ampik yesterday afternoon. Thanks to Catherine who invited me to join!!
We received warm welcome from Tuai Rumah, had a tiny volume of Tuak (yes I tried to drink a little! Luckily it was not that strong bt the way,) and a delicious light meal - especially Dickson who're CRAZY for the deliciousness of the foods... haha!

Dickson mingled with the kids

Ok, and I also tried to drink the 'white one'... guess what, it's a strong alcohol that made by themselves! Oops... I don't drink alcohol, so I tried to add very little of it into Coke and drink it.

We went to few houses and eventually tasted different tuak.. what's more, all the tuaks and alcohols are made by the villagers too! So each house has a unique tuak taste.

I tried to finish the tuak but couldn't.. Oh well...
Thanks to Catherine and Aki who helped me to take that shot!

Overall we had a great and happy afternoon at Rumah Ampik. All the joy/laugh, my/our tuak experience, delicious foods, and also: friendship!!

Hopefully there's a chance to visit Rumah Ampik again~
Thank You, Tuai Rumah & Rumah Ampik! Cheers! ^_^