*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mr. Bean's car (in pink)

I decided to take a photo of this eye-catchy car placed outside my house gate car park area.
Look familiar? Yes it is indeed similar with Mr. Bean's signature car.
Bean's car is in LimeGreen; whilst this is Pink, I think the owner wanted it to be unique and different instead of having exactly the same car as Bean.

Oh well, it's so cute and lovely!! Enjoy~ :D


Clint Moore said...

If the owner would paint this car of his lime green, then people would have really taken a closer look inside and mistaken him as Mr. Bean! Did you take a closer look as to what brand this car is? Maybe he's a fan of Mr. Bean.

GeRAIN™ Chan said...

Hey Clint, thanks for your lovely comment!

Yeah I think that's the main reason for having a 'pink' one than the original limegreen car. People would mistakenly chase the car on the road for Bean. :D

Unfortunately I didn't pay attention to the brand of the car, but the screen sticker is written with "BEAN's Holiday" though. How cute is that!