*Dreams that glitter... a blog with many little treasures.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Last Day at KK

I really miss KK a lot!
Now I have 6 hours left in KK, gonna go to airport around 5.15am (6.55am flight).

I'll miss my home sweet home, parents, friends, foods, shopping, my collection, my room, etc etc...

And special thanks to Downloads (musics and videos)~
(Fortunately the line is not bad, at least better than Miri).

I've bought lots of foods and stuffs to Miri - used around RM200 today at Karamunsing! Went to Guardian, Watson's, DVD shops, etc.

+ And finally, really really finally, I've found Girls Aloud: Girls On Film DVD in one random DVD shop at 2nd floor (if I'm not mistaken), which I'd looking for the DVD for more than 1 year!

See You Again, KK.
I'll try my very best for Sem 2, 2009 in Curtin.